At the end of May….

May 24th 2021

After a relatively calm week, I feel energized and refreshed, ready to seize the day! I try to focus on the present moment and leave the past behind me. Of course, I won’t ignore the lessons that the past has taught me, but dwelling on it will never help me move forward. One of my affirmations is to focus on being more present, both in my mind and for the people around me. This also includes being present in time and place. It makes everyday life feel easier to handle, and it helps me to plan ahead. I try not to focus too much on the future, as it tends to make me feel anxious. Planning ahead can give a significant dopamine boost as having something to look forward to and plan for can be very enjoyable. I have invited A to join me on a camping trip in June when school is out, and planning for the trip has made me very excited and given me immense pleasure. I have already started planning what we need to bring in our backpacks and have checked to see if the tent, sleeping bags, and everything else is in good condition. So far, everything looks great!

The next couple of weeks will be quite busy for both me and A, so we won’t be able to meet for a little while. It’s unfortunate, but at the same time, it’s nice to experience the feeling of missing each other. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Even though we keep in touch through daily texting and occasional video calls, I already feel like I miss her. Technology is truly wonderful!

Until next time!

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