• Spring is in the air

    April 5th 2021 It’s a new month and the sun is shining for longer each day, spreading its bright light everywhere. The greenery has started to appear in some places, and a few flowers have already bloomed. Spring has finally arrived, and it feels wonderful. I have to admit that these days I walk with…

  • The bass if it all

    March 29th 2021 Another week has passed by and it has been quite pleasant. The week began with a couple of days at work where we began preparing for Easter in earnest. Many people are getting ready to spend their days in the mountains or in their cabins, and they are buying wine and drinks…

  • Keep marching on

    March 22nd 2021 This has been a slow week with not much happening in both my work and personal life. Easter is approaching and it starts to show at work. There will be more to do in the coming weeks and new products will also be available. Also one of my uncles turned year and…

  • Spring in my step

    March 15th 2021 Another week has gone by, and the weather is still not great. It keeps switching between snow and rain. However, it’s not as cold as it was earlier, and I feel that spring is gradually returning to the country. Soon, coltsfoot will be popping up in the trenches and along the roads.…

  • Oh what a wonderful morning!

    March 8th 2021 Oh, what a wonderful day and what a wonderful time to be alive! It’s pouring outside, there’s a pandemic with new mutations, we’re still living isolated lives, and the economy is not doing well. However, Saturday was one of the most amazing days I’ve had in living memory. I finally met A…

  • March on!

    March 1st 2021 February is a short month, as usual. This year, it was filled with various events, including two floods and massive amounts of snow in between. I also celebrated birthdays, had hour-long chats, gained new knowledge, and pondered on questions about life, love, and everything else. I also thought about both my future…

  • Age of Aquarius

    February 22nd 2021 The Aquarius season has come to an end for this year. It was a pleasant, yet strange one. There were many birthdays to celebrate within my family and friend circle, but planning events became challenging due to restrictions. I engaged in long conversations that covered a wide range of topics, did some…

  • My funny valentine

    February 15th 2021 The restrictions did not lift as we all had hoped, and we were unable to meet for our Valentine’s Day date. However, we still managed to have a lovely evening via video chat, where we cooked and ate together while talking for hours. I also sent her a small package containing a…

  • All you need is love

    February 8th 2021 Aquarius season this year has been quite wet, with a lot of snow and rain, leading to floods and miserable weather conditions. However, I feel grateful for having a warm house, a reliable car, and food in my fridge, which leaves me with nothing to complain about. It’s essential to take a…

  • Weathering heights

    February 1st 2021 The weather has been causing a lot of trouble lately. We’ve had heavy snowfall followed by rain and warm temperatures, leading to massive flooding. Many roads are underwater, bridges have been closed, and some rural areas are completely cut off from the outside world. Medical aid has had to be provided by…