• Weathering heights

    February 1st 2021 The weather has been causing a lot of trouble lately. We’ve had heavy snowfall followed by rain and warm temperatures, leading to massive flooding. Many roads are underwater, bridges have been closed, and some rural areas are completely cut off from the outside world. Medical aid has had to be provided by…

  • Happy Birthday to me!

    January 25th 2021 I recently celebrated my birthday and it was quite enjoyable despite being a bit stressful and noisy. I come from a large family, so we usually invite all our cousins, aunts, uncles, and close friends. It’s not unusual for there to be 30 people attending. Although it can be a lot, we…

  • Winter and more winter

    January 18th 2021 It’s another week that has come and gone, and work is still slow as usual. Winter is still outside, and everything is pretty much the same. However, there are talks about the lifting of restrictions soon, which is something to look forward to at least! My birthday is also in a few…

  • I think

    January 11th 2021 The first full week of 2021 has passed by calmly, and I’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors. It has been snowing a bit, and the snow is now quite deep, so the hikes haven’t been very long. Nonetheless, it is still nice to be outside in the daylight. After the…

  • Resolute

    January 4th 2021 Today is the first Monday of 2021 and I’m not feeling quite ready to take on a new week yet. The past weekend was a lot of fun with celebrations that included fireworks and champagne. We had a couple of cousins over for a New Year’s Eve dinner, played some games, and…

  • Would lang Syne

    December 31st 2020 Today is the last day of the year. For the Christmas holiday, I spent my time working and due to the restrictions, my family and I couldn’t meet many other people. Despite this, the atmosphere at home was peaceful and it has been quite pleasant. This year has been very unusual. A…

  • O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum

    December 24th 2020 Today is Christmas eve, a day filled with laughter, joy, and song. The government has loosened the restrictions a bit, which means we can now enjoy a more normal celebration of the holidays. It’s wonderful to see my sister and her family again after not being able to see them since August.…

  • In the bleak midwinter

    December 21th 2020 The winter solstice, which marks the shortest day and longest night of the year, has been the subject of many myths, legends, stories, and superstitions throughout history. This day has been celebrated in various religions and cultures, and has been associated with power and significance. People have celebrated the winter solstice with…

  • A drink or five too many

    December 14th 2020 Another week has come and gone and it has been quite nice. I have had one of my dogs with me for a few days. After breaking up with my ex, I had to leave my three dogs with her, but they have been visiting me now and then. The male one,…

  • Work, sleep, chat, rinse repeat

    December 7th 2020 First week of December is done and I can’t say I feel the Christmas spritit yet. The days are growing shorter and shorter and life is a bit monotonous. It’s a lot of work, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat. The nice things about the days growing so short is that the solstice…